Wednesday, November 5, 2008


half of the week is almost gone.. next wk this time i will be writing reflection on IT paper le.. arhhhhh!

anyway, v happy that Mr Melvyn Chew gave a relatively high mark for biz law! hmm, next step is exam.. my last paper... still have time..

anyway, quote from Melvyn Chew--
"write legibly during exam, UNLESS u dunno anything!"

ROFL!~ so true lah!~~ haha...

another quote from him: --
"if the hairdresser cut 95% of your hair, will you pay him 95% of the money? will you say it is divisible contract? i wont pay~~~~"

not v funny, but i tot it was a v good illustration.

went out with dachuan today.. haha.. he s juz so easy going.. hmm, looking forward to the joint venture!~~

err, wat else... ya, i love praying in the morning! so refreshing! start off the day with refreshed spirit, there is nothing better than time like this le.. and i saw my tutorial group mate! he s an indo catholic.. now in CHC~~ wonderful~~

the time has come!!


Anonymous said...

1st time come here...
read all thru...nice =]

Unknown said...


AnnabeL said...

jieying: welcome!! long time no see.. go out tgt after exam kkz??!!

peng:haha. financial management, business law, accounting.. basically about business:))
singapore is full of abbreviations!