Sunday, November 2, 2008


sunday = sabbath day

tired for the wk.. it s true that u dunno how tired u are until u stopped for a rest. i mean i love outing and chitchating and everything, but when i have a day for myself, it is really totally different.. even though i need to study -.-

anyway, studied for IT test tmr.. hopefully i m fine.. network part, still have foundation from JC.. yay~ IT presentation also tmr.. dunno wat to wear. haha vain ppl...=p

tmr MPM.. JW building.. hopeful got breakfast!! hhaha.. covetousness... =p hunGAry.... i have to admit i a pig... haiz....

peaceful sunday!

p.s: mummy i love u! (even though u wont see it, more over, u wont understand even if u see it, but i still love u!!)


Unknown said...


AnnabeL said...

haha.. thanks~ youare the first one to leave comment~~
i was wondering whether ppl in china can read blogspot:P