Tuesday, December 30, 2008

last day of 2008

today is the last day of 2008~

wonderful yr! haha.. alot of wonderful things, and heartaches of cos..

i like 2008~~

okok... will revive blog next yr le~~

happy new yr!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

i m back

ytd went to st james.. haha.. super crowded on ladies' night... but good lah, at least got few drinks... dun like squeezing into the dance pool and dance with so many ppl around.. sad.... so i shall juz go pub instead of club.. yup...

work is good.. got appt everyday... so i suppose quite ok..

watching beijing olympic opening! it is GREAT GREAT!!! i m super in love with the intelligence of the director and the hardwork of the performers! they muz spend days and nights to get everything all ready!

so proud of China!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

first day working!

haha~~ not bad.. was vv slack~ nobody really cares about my existence.. haha, that s the good thing abt an insurance company~ everyone was calling, analysing, finalising the cases and the premium.. haha

but got quite gd offer fr the manager.. hmm, but dun think it is so easy in the beginning lor... hmmm....

closed one apptm nevertheless.. haha~

went for PM at JW! Sun is coming back!~ so happy!~~ her last return was last may day~ my integration period leh... she s coming back le! with one and half yrs plus, Sun did so many things~ and me also~~ SUN, WELCOME BACK!!

start to use my new planner alr~~ happy!

yup, i am reacting in love~

Monday, December 15, 2008

monday~ a brand new week!

ytd mummy was rite, this is life... and suddenly rem a quite famous saying: "日出东山落西山,愁也一天,喜也一天“。 so i start to change my days of living... ignorance is impt in life rite?:))

went out for some shopping, at JP, but JP has been expanded! although it advertised as double space, i believe they have tripled the space! super big lor... and super crowded for a meal! dunno how did the old JP contained so many ppl.. bought some presents, and materials to do card etc.. haha.. think this wk onwards my evening should be all occupied by these preparation.. and lulu also.. haha.. last yr we were enjoying the moment at AHS.. hopefully we will still enjoy making things and doing all the handcraft!

went out with some old friends for pool also.. haiz.. need practice liao...

i love the day that the Lord has made!

tmr going to work, jiayou!~~

ps: ytd went for jogging at 10+++pm... until 12am... haha.. drizzling, but i can jog until sweat:)) happy!

P.p.s: really v touch by the bridge of "my life, Your song":

Saturday, December 13, 2008


bad mood wk basically...

cant rem which day i did had a good mood, but sharks, it comes back again.....

one thing about this blog, i dun really want to write alot of emo things fr the first day of creation. but boo, bad things happen to good people.. i dun wan to update until it starts to “长草”, so i juz come and update myself...

anyway, this wk i dint do much things fruitful.. wasting my life makes me hating the days i wasted... found a job, and one of manulife's manager was saying he will pay for everything if i wan to be a financial planner.. which i tot is good and mayb better than tuition teacher mth after mth....

send off all my gals... hope they will all have a good time in China..

somethings are meant to be disturbing.. but enough is enough.. i ve had enough...

rem somebody told me that every relationship is like a deposit account. both parties need to deposit in order for the account to have something.. when time comes, the emotional burdens are made whole by withdrawing fr the acct.. but look at the relationship, it is emptying me fr inside out. i m going to have an emotional shutdown sometime soon... i feel sarcastic abt certain things i heard..

let it be...

one of the laws of harvest is that :
you reap wat you sow...

10 days to xmas.

Friday, December 5, 2008

harvest eyes

nothing to say today..

a bit sarcastic....


Thursday, December 4, 2008



Wednesday, December 3, 2008




去陪lulu看了俩工作,一个没找着,到弄了个什么模特公司老板出来,死气白咧让我作模特,就我,也太vertically challenged了吧,再说再说。

今天去陪人吃中饭,又去华初打网球,乐哉~ 还有几个不错的球,用jason的话说,没带照相机什么的,露了好多经典哦~不过还好拉,今天想做的事情都做了,明天就free了!好好睡一觉。。(放假之后似乎没有怎么好好的没有顾虑的睡过:s)

今天BS的时候,出现了一个rhema:"those who waters others shall be watered also". 其实在BS的时候出现rhema还是挺奇怪的,但是就是感觉到了什么。最近自己都怎么了,是啊,该是被water的时候了? 就是,祈祷上帝没有忘了我,祈祷事情都能顺顺利利,祈祷自己的生命得到更新,祈祷更多的奇迹能发生,祈祷圣灵的雨,祈祷被浇灌,正如那verse讲的。



