There was a bunch of young girls, and a few guys. Some were hardworking, some were not. Some natural-speakers, and some introvert. We took care of each other for 2 yrs. Thinking that we are the "brothers and sisters" of which u can believe and trust for the rest of the life wherever we go. Celebrating each other's birthday in big TV room tirelessly. Chased out by Mr Ng and the guard. Playing out truth or dare, running to the flag raising at the last 30 seconds, chatting till midnight, and getting up to eat roti prata.
After 2 years, we changed school. Some went to better schools, some dint. There was no barriers supposedly, but actually there were. We tried to have the "anniversary gathering", but we failed somehow, cos most ppl started a new life, with a different mask.
Another 2 years passed, many went overseas for their undergrad study, and many stayed. Differences in relationship status, majors, lifestyle and masking skills widened the gap betw the "innocents". Hearts were divided and relationship was distanced.
Today, 1/3 of us gathered for our 7th anniversary in this little island. and gosh, who cannot feel the distance between us, not to mention those who are spread into different continent. Some lost contact, and most people dun care.
So who are we for each other? Do i need to invite you for my wedding dinner? Do i need to update you about my career and work next time? i dun mean that we are obligated to do so, but isit natural that we just use our busy-ness and distance as reasons to forget our brothers and sisters?
I m tired of trying to hold this bond. Maybe its time to let it be natural, and find your own life without the ties from these people.